Sunday, April 13, 2014

The General Store. (April 13)

A famous merchandising tycoon told the following story at a conference: 

"There was town out in the Old west that had two general stores. Harry, who owned one of them was a workaholic. He opened early, stayed in the store all day and closed late. Even so, he barely made a living. 

Larry, who ran the other store, came in at nine. At ten he went out back where he kept some cattle, and made all the cows turn and face north. After lunch, Larry went out back again and made all the cows turn and face south. This practice was repeated every day.

Larry's store was successful and he became wealthy." 

The speaker then asked his audience if anyone could tell what principle of merchandising was illustrated by the story. 

A guy in the back stood up and said, "That's easy. The point is if you want to be successful in merchandising, it is important to rotate your stock!"